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Thoughts & Inspiration

    Hello and welcome back subscribers! Thank you so much for spending the time to read my blog.

    To begin Covid has started to ramp up here in Granada so because of this, our ability to go out into the community and do ministry work  has been unavailable the last 10 days of our stay here at REAP. Now even though we haven’t been able to go prayer walking, or go to the dump, and even church, we have been able to stay here at the farm and have some extremely valuable time here to do ministry work on the farm as well as have more time to grow ourselves. 

   One thing I was able to do during this time was complete a 3 day food fast, which was difficult but an awesome experience. During the fast I had time to reflect on the first month and focus on what God was doing in my life. So that’s what I will briefly share.

    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied Matthew 5:6   My prayer/goal of this trip is radical change. However I’ve learned that just praying for this growth and change isn’t enough, it takes some effort on my part as well. Initially it was hard for me to completely commit to this change for multiple reasons. But after reading a few books given to us by REAP and spending time in the word, as well as some deep conversation with the guys in my squad I was able to begin to move forward towards this change. I’m now excited more than ever to be in the word each morning and just watch how God is working around me and the squad.

    I’m so grateful that we were able to spend our first month here in Nicaragua at REAP, and I truly believe there wouldn’t have been a better place to begin. Scott who runs REAP who is such an amazing guy tells us the primary reason we’re here is to focus on our own personal walk. And I think that’s exactly what the squad and I needed to kick things off!

   So now headed into Costa Rica tomorrow I’m not only excited to see what amazing ministry opportunities await us but also excited to see how God will continue to grow me. Thank you for your continued support and prayers; God bless

7 responses to “Change for the Better!”

  1. I know all of you are touching so many lives, and in return, God is blessing all of you in ways that will be with you forever! Praying all of you stay well and safe. Blessings in Costa Rica!! ????????

  2. The Medlins love you David and we are praying for you daily! So great to hear how you are doing!

  3. David,

    Thanks for keeping us posted. I am sorry to hear about the increase of Covid cases not only for your ability to be the Lord’s hands, but also for the people that are directly affected. May the Lord use these moments for his glory. All things come together for good for those that love the Lord. Even the seemingly hard things can be a blessing in God’s hands. With that said, I trust he will continue to work in your heart and mind and shape you for his purposes. I pray that our Lord will sustain you as you move on to Costa Rica. Godspeed!

  4. David, dad and I are so proud of you! I am overflowing with praise, thanking God for your humility to pray for “radical change” and the power of the Holy Spirit to help you do the work. And to see God orchestrating your trip to form such a precious group of friends and to place your first experience at REAP…Wow, we serve a mighty and gracious God!!

    And it brings me such joy to know that as I spend time with my Heavenly Father each morning receiving his comfort, strength and wisdom…,so too is my son whom I dearly love. You are learning disciplines that are truly secrets of the abundant life Christ has for all believers…As He fills your cup each morning, it will overflow into every aspect of your life, including those around you. To God be the glory for the great things he has done!!

    I love you so much! Praying for you always and often!
    Hugs and Love! Mom

  5. David,

    The Milligans are so encouraged by your commitment to Christ. As a family, we are blessed by your posts and excited to see how God is working in your life. We are praying for you!

  6. “ I’ve learned that just praying for this growth and change isn’t enough, it takes some effort on my part as well.” Preach. That’s wisdom beyond your years.

  7. So great to read this update, David! God’s work in you is the greatest work that can happen, but as you said, we have to allow it. God wants you and your heart, not any amazing deeds you can accomplish for Him. I have no doubt the work being done in you will accomplish much for God’s glory! Incredibly proud of you, brother! Praying for travel mercies- that you arrived safely in Costa Rica, and for God to continue His beautiful and mighty work!